World War II
Black Military Women Who Served During World War II
Standing on their shoulders we could not have, would not have done it without them.
They paved the way for us "To Serve."
We have no idea of what it took to live in the days of segregation and discrimination.
We have no idea of what it meant to live in real poverty
We have no idea of what it meant to be in a man's world
We have no idea of what it meant to be Black, Female and serve in the military
We have no idea of what it really meant to serve during WORLD WAR II".

They served in many areas during the World War II and became outstanding citizens of the United States. They live quietly in your neighborhoods. They are probably your mothers, grandmothers, great grand mothers or even great great grand mothers. Do you know who they are. Well it time that you find out. It time that your children know, your neighbors know, your church members know that they have SHEROS in their families and communities. We should be honoring these ladies who served in our United States Armed Forces to allow us to live under the freedoms that we have today.
If you look at any of the old war movies, you barely see a female Soldier and never see a black female soldier. If so they were probably our wonderful nurses. But our sister soldiers served in all areas. It's time that we tell their stories and give honor to our ladies who served.

Essie Dell Woods
WWII Veteran, Member of the Womens Army Auxilary Corp (WAAC) and Womens Army Corp (WAC)

Dorothy C. Cann
WWII Veteran, Memeber of womens Army Auxilary CORP (WAAC) and Womens Army Corp (WAC)
Service - US ARMY
Unit - 6888th Central Postal Directory - England & France

Gladys Schuster Carter
WWII Veteran, Member otf the Womens Army Auxilary Corp (WAAC) and the Womens Army Corp (WAC).
Service - US ARMY- US Army 1943-1945
Unit - 6888th Central Postal Directory - England & France

Doris Richardson
WWII Veteran, Mmember of the Womens Army Auxilary Corp (WAAC) and the Womens Army Corp (WAC).
Service - US Army 1943-1945
Unit - 6888th Central Postal Directory

CPT Vera Harrison Haskin
WWII Veteran, Member of the Womens Auxilary Corp (WAAC) and the WOmens Army Corp (WAC).
Service - US Army 1942-1945
Unit - 6888th Central Postal Director - England & France